2 comentarios:

quinlan dijo...

I've just discovered your blog a couple of days ago, and let me tell you, it's awesome. All posts are perfect, choice of music, sound and artwork quality.
Thanks an awful lot for all your efforts.
It's now part of my favorites deserving a daily visit.
Just one little thing concerning this post (The Sun Gods CD 2). Part 2 link has been killed , probably by some troll...This post is too good not to be given a second chance. Do you think you can reup part 2.
Thank you for your kind attention.

Anónimo dijo...

Hello; this is a duplicate request to the previous post of four months ago regarding the link for "The Sun Gods" CD 2. Any chance this link might be repaired? I just found this site and have been enjoying what you've put up, thank you for a great blog and great music.